plural dictionary

the goal of this dictionary is to be accessible and provide relevant terminology to plurality & closely related communities. in other words, i'm not getting into or prioritizing microlabels because that's not helpful. terms are in alphabetical order under their sections.

the main spectrum

dæmonism [ˈdiː.mənɪzm] | the practice of communicating with one’s dæmon, which is a personified 'other half' of one’s internal dialogue. a dæmon usually has a name, gender and personality that often differs from that of said person. dæmmons are usually imagined (or projected) in animal forms. [via The Dæmon Page]
- someone who knows and communicates with their dæmon is a dæmian. general practitioners of dæmonism may be called dæmians or dæmonists.
note: not all dæmians consider dæmonism to be a form of plurality, but any dæmonist can identify as plural if they choose.

multiplicity [ˈmʌltɪplɪsɪti] | The state of being two or more people, alters, or personalities in one body.
- a person or collective experiencing multiplicity is called a multiple.

plurality [ˈplʊɚ-ælɪti] | The state of not being exactly one cohesive person in one body; this can include multiple people sharing a body, many fragments that make one person, one person with multiple selves, and more.
- a person or collective experiencing plurality is called a plural. a member of a plural collective may be called a pluran.