you're wrong about...

here's a little collection of sources/information i've compiled on things that people are wrong about often to save everyone time.

this page has contents that might be triggering; please consider the topic of each section your trigger warning.

...DID/OSDD needing to form from trauma or in childhood

via the DSM-V:

the DSM-V, p 279, differential diagnoses from PTSD

Dissociative amnesia, dissociative identity disorder, and depersonalization-derealization disorder may or may not be preceded by exposure to a traumatic event or may or may not have co-occurring PTSD symptoms. When full PTSD criteria are also met, however, the PTSD “with dissociative symptoms” subtype should be considered

the DSM-V, p 291, dissociation & causes

The dissociative disorders are frequently found in the aftermath of trauma, and many of the symptoms, including embarrassment and confusion about the symptoms or a desire to hide them, are influenced by the proximity to trauma. In DSM-5, the dissociative disorders are placed next to, but are not part of, the trauma- and stressor-related disorders, reflecting the close relationship between these diagnostic classes.

the DSM-V, p 294, explicit confirmation that it isn't always trauma and can form at any age

Dissociative identity disorder is associated with overwhelming experiences, traumatic events, and/or abuse occurring in childhood. The full disorder may first manifest at almost any age (from earliest childhood to late life).

...non DID/P-DID/OSDD-1 systems (disordered or not) not existing

the existence of plurality that cannot be called DID:

the DSM-V, p 292, DID diagnostic criteria

C. The symptoms [must] cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
D. The disturbance [cannot be] a normal part of a broadly accepted cultural or religious practice.

the DSM-V, p 293-294, non-DID possession & identities

However, the majority of possession states around the world are normal, usually part of spiritual practice, and do not meet criteria for dissociative identity disorder The identities that arise during possession-form dissociative identity disorder present recurrently, are unwanted and involuntary, cause clinically significant distress or impairment (Criterion C), and are not a normal part of a broadly accepted cultural or religious practice (Criterion D).

...DID/P-DID/OSDD-1 being the only disorders that cause systems/alters

BPD systems, similarity between BPD & DID, and alters in BPD:

Andreas Laddis et al., "Comparing the symptoms and mechanisms of "dissociation" in dissociative identity disorder and borderline personality disorder" (Abstract)

[...] The core MID symptoms-exhibited at all ranges of MID scores-for DID patients (the presence of alters, identity confusion, and memory problems) and BPD patients (flashbacks, identity confusion, and memory problems) were ostensibly similar but were considered to be mostly produced by different underlying processes. [...] Alter identities seemed to generate most-but not all-dissociative phenomena in DID patients, whereas only the 24% highest scoring BPD patients (MID ≥45) seemed to manifest alter-driven dissociative experiences. Most BPD dissociative experiences appeared to be due to 5 other mechanisms [...]

note: the use of "only" in this abstract doesn't mean it's a very low number, it's just low compared to DID patients. that's still a very significant number, especially for a non-dissociative disorder.

Marilyn I Korzekwa et al., "Dissociation in borderline personality disorder: a detailed look" (Abstract)

With regard to the dissociative experiences endorsed, almost all [BPD] patients reported identity confusion, unexplained mood changes, and depersonalization. Even those BPD patients with mild DD reported derealization, depersonalization, and dissociative amnesia.[...] Analysis of the MID pathological dissociation items revealed that 32% of the items were endorsed at a clinically significant level of frequency by more than 50% of our BPD patients. In conclusion, the frequencies of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.) DDs in these patients with BPD were surprisingly high. Likewise, the "average" BPD patient endorsed a wide variety of recurrent pathological dissociative symptoms.





...DID/OSDD & plurality being commonly faked or very rare

via the DSM-V:

the DSM-V, p 294, DID (not including OSDD-1) being not very uncommon

The 12-month prevalence of dissociative identity disorder among adults in a small U.S. community study was 1.5%. The prevalence across genders in that study was 1.6% for males and 1.4% for females.

many believe the more accurate number is ~2%. for context, that's about the same as the percent of people who are born intersex (1.7%), have green eyes (2%), or identify as gay/lesbian in the UK (1.5%). that also makes being diagnosed with DID three to four times more common than red hair (0.5%).

...headmates being the same person & unable to experience personality disorders

alters having/being personalities:

the DSM-V, p 292, DID diagnostic criteria

A. Disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality states, which may be described in some cultures as an experience of possession. The disruption in identity involves marked discontinuity in sense of self and sense of agency, accompanied by related alterations in affect, behavior, consciousness, memory, perception, cognition, and/or sensory-motor functioning. [...] C. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. D. The disturbance is not a normal part of a broadly accepted cultural or religious practice.

..."aspergers/aspie" being an accurate or harmless term


for now, you can see what i wrote for the autisTBH webring.

...factives/factkin/etc. being "identity theives"

reputable defitinitions of identity theft

"what to know about identity theft," the united states federal trade comission

Identity theft is when someone uses your personal [social security, legal name] or financial information without your permission [for legal or financial gain].
They might steal your name and address, credit card, or bank account numbers, Social Security number, or medical insurance account numbers.

"identity theft," the united states department of justice

Identity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person's personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain.

"source," via placename


what is "fraud"

"fraud" definition, via the merriam-webster dictionary

intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right

personal statement (citing sources above)

so, to clarify: it's only fraud if they are not disclosing that they aren't that person physically and/or legally in a deceptive manner and actively receiving or attempting to receive financial, social, or legal gain--it must be both, not just one. it's only identity theft if they're using that individual's private legal and/or financial information to impersonate them for financial and/or legal gain.

if they identify as a factive, factkin, facthearted, etc. and are open about it on any level, they are inherently disqualified from every definition of identity theft and fraud, no if ands or buts.

you can't "steal" someone's abstract concept of identity, and definitely not in any meaningful way that can cause them harm beyond possibly being uncomfortable with your existence. you can at most share parts of it that you know. what harm, exactly, is inflicted on MCYT youtubers because a 15-year-old spiritually identifies as one? who's losing their house because someone introjected their presentation? what's happening beyond vague discomfort? what can be called harm here, aside from harm done by harassing young people for their "cringe" labels?

i'm not saying you need to be entirely comfortable thinking about the concept--but you can't call that a crime. no one, in this scenario, loses anything, and someone losing something is kind of the only requirement for "theft".


"source," via placename


"source," via placename


"source," via placename


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