names & pronouns guides

check the "jump to" menu if you're looking for something specific!

as a rule of thumb, i prefer language that is explicitly outside the binary (especially non-anthrogender), and even better if it refers to non-human entities :)


  • "crow&" (any langage; preferred forms below)


in order of preference :)


  • fey/feyr
    • subj: fey | obj: feyr | pos: feyr | posprn: feyrs | ref: feyrself
    • pronounced feɪ/feɪr/feɪr/feɪrs/feɪrself
    • "fey is usually called crow&! if you asked feyr, though, fey'd say feyr name can be crow in any language! this site is feyrs, and fey coded it feyrself!"
  • it/its
    • subj: it | obj: it | pos: its | posprn: its | ref: itself
    • pronounced ɪt/ɪt/ɪts/ɪts/ɪtself
    • "it is usually called crow&! if you asked it, though, it'd say its name can be crow in any language! this site is its, and it coded it itself!"
  • 🦷/🦷s
    • subj: 🦷 | obj: 🦷 | pos: 🦷s | posprn: 🦷s | ref: 🦷self
    • not used when speaking/text only
    • "🦷 is usually called crow&! if you asked 🦷, though, 🦷'd say 🦷s name can be crow in any language! this site is 🦷's, and 🦷 coded it 🦷self!"
  • never use he/she/they in any context. if you're for some reason mentioning me on wikipedia or somewhere else where only those three pronouns are expected, use my name and only use "they" as a last resort. most nonstandard pronouns are fine.


please address me& as "tú" or "vos," you don't need permission to use them! only use "usted" when talking about me/my work in a more professional context (AKA when you really have to).

i'm uruguayan and therefore speak in the rioplatense dialect, but i've provided the pronunciations in LatAm spanish (you're welcome).

  • elle/le
    • subj: elle | obj: le
    • pronounced eʝe/le
    • "¿ese es elle? ¿por qué se le comiendo elle computadora?"
  • never use ella/la/-a or ellx/lx/-x. using el/lo/-o in a gender neutral context is acceptable but not preferred

other languages

  • please use the standard gender neutral, non-gendered, or mixed-gender pronoun. if none exist, use the standard genderless object pronoun. if that also doesn't exist, any non-binary neopronoun works.

honorifics & titles

generally, assume my title is the gender neutral honorific for a young person in a language. listed in order of preference!


  • Misc.
    • pronounced /mɪsk/
    • used before a name, ie "misc. crow"
  • Msr. / Missir
    • pronounced /mɪ́ssər/
    • used before a name, ie "msr. crow"
  • Mx.
    • pronounced /ˈmɪks/
    • used before a name, ie "mx. crow"


  • Srte. / señorite
    • pronounced /seɲoˈɾite/
    • used before a name, ie "srte. crow"
  • Sre. / señore
    • pronounced /seɲoˈɾe/
    • used before a name, ie "sre. crow"